You know those days where you realise you have a lot to do and you're probably going to end up grossly sweating all of your makeup off? That's where setting sprays come into place. I'd heard a lot about the Urban Decay Setting Spray from friends and other bloggers so I decided to give it a trail run myself and really put it to the test. 

7:00am - Monday morning. 


On Monday I woke up kinda late and I think I had about 10 minutes to my makeup before making a pretty mad dash to get ready, so even though my makeup looked a bit messy , I decided it would do. 

After doing my makeup I followed the instructions on the box of the setting spray which was to spray 2-3times in either an X or T shape across your face (I chose the X) 
I then proceeded to get ready as normal, walk to school and do my usual lessons which last for 6 hours.

But I didn't feel as if normal school lessons gave it a real run for its money.. So I did a 2 hour fitness session (now I now you wouldn't usually work out in makeup because ew gross but this one time I braved it to test the spray). I did circuits, weight training and a lot of cardio. I then walked home again and took a look at how my makeup had held up. 

4:00pm - Monday afternoon ( 9 hours passed including 2 hours of fitness) 

Suprisingly , my slightly messy looking makeup was still about 98% in tact , only with the slight loss of eyebrow at the front. Even after running , weights and circuits my foundation hadn't melted off of my face like it probably usually would have and my mascara wasn't running down my cheeks. 

The setting spray is supposedly water proof but as I'm not a huge fan of swimming etc. I didn't test that out . The bottle also claims it holds your makeup perfectly in place for 16 hours. The product is supposedly not supposed to make your skin look shiny or oily and this is very true, you're left with a finish to just firmly set your makeup . I think if you were to do a more intense workout than I had or you were a crossfitter this may not be true for you, but then again it's not very often anyone works out with a full face of makeup. This product would however probably last the full 16 hours on your face if you were just going about your daily activities. For a product I was a little bit wary about I'm very impressed by how true it is to its word and it really does live up to the expectations. Seeing Tori Kelly this weekend will be a good way for me to put it to the test by seeing if it manages to last through a standing concert atmosphere.

Overall I can fairly say I will probably be purchasing this product again in the future as it is very true to the word and helped my makeup stay in place all day without looking oily or shiny at any point. 


Im Rhiannon-Maeve and i am a British aspiring blogger/Journalist.

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