I'M TIRED.. | Rhiannon-Maeve


I'm tired of the fact that In more than 75 counties around the world same sex marriage and homosexuality as well as other sexuality's are illegal.

I'm tired of the fact that in Middle East young girls have to fight for the right to have an education .  

I'm tired of the fact people treat transgender men and women differently just because they're trans . 

I'm tired of the fact healthcare isn't freely available for all those who need it.

 I'm tired of the fact slut shaming still exists .

I'm tired of the facts sex workers are shamed for their jobs when it's none of you're business how other people take their career paths .

 I'm tired of gender roles being enforced within society so much so that when target finally make their children's toy sections gender neutral customers threaten to stop shopping there . 

I'm tired of the fact that men feel as if they can't show their emotions because they'll be considered weaker or less of a man .

 I'm tired of double standards . 

Im tired of womens bodies being over sexualised . 

I'm tired of the stigma being put around mental health when really if you removed all of that it would help to solve the problems a lot easier .

 I'm tired of people purposefully misgendering people .

 Im tired of ignorance . 

I'm tired of people degrading eachother for their own "self confidence".

Im tired of society looking down upon men for wearing makeup . I'm tired of the endless racism still happening to this day in many countries to the point where innocent black people can walk out on the streets and be shot by a white police man and the police man won't even get charged for it because it was "self defence" . 

I'm tired ..


Im Rhiannon-Maeve and i am a British aspiring blogger/Journalist.

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